14th June 2019

Why is Zinc important?


Every cell in the body needs zinc, but many of us do not get enough of this vital mineral.

Zinc is contained in enzymes, chemicals that do everything from digesting food to healing wounds. It is also a crucial component of the immune system, helping to fight infection, including the common cold. The refining of cereal grains, a major dietary staple, has been shown to remove up to 90% of the available zinc content. This, combined with the growing trend to eat less animal-derived protein, has contributed to one in three adults being deficient.

Zinc has beneficial effects on the production of various hormones including the sex and thyroid hormones. It is therefore helpful in enhancing fertility, prostate gland health, and improves insulin levels so may help with diabetes.

It stimulates healing of wounds and skin irritations, and can help alleviate osteoporosis, hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease and ulcers. Taken as a dietary supplement, zinc may support the body’s natural defense and repair systems in treating more serious illnesses, especially those associated with an impaired immune system. Zinc is not produced or stored by the body so it depends on external sources for a continuous supply. It can be found naturally occurring in red meat, eggs, seafood, cheese, pulses and whole grains.

The recommended daily dose of zinc is 15mg